Gendaito by Kanetoshi in '34 Pattern Shin-gunto Mounts

Signature: Kanetoshi.
Year Made:  WW II era
Forging Pattern: Hard to see, looks like itame. 
Tempering Pattern: Suguha with Hakikake boshi
Dimensions:  Blade Length:  25.75 inchesNakago: 8.25 inches 6 mm thick and 31 mm wide at Hamachi
Mountings:  Good quality '34 pattern shin-guntoo mounts. very little pain loss on saya, small piece of samé missing but tsuka in good condition otherwise. All matching numbers on seppa and tsuba, al parts seem original to the sword.
Overall Condition:  Very good, nicely forged sword with suguha hamon in ko-nie, unusual hakikaki boshi. The hada is tight but visible through the old polish in places. A finish polish would bring out the hada and hamon. As the sword is nijimei it is difficult to say which Kanetoshi made this sword but it is well forged with a graceful shape and no forging flaws. Together with an original set of mounts this makes a nice package for collectors of gendaito, martial artists or a great first sword.

SwordsElliott Tan