Long Wakizashi With Original Mounts

Signature: Mumei
Year Made: Mid Edo
Forging Pattern: Masame
Tempering Pattern: Suguha
Dimensions:   Nagasa:  23 3/4", Nakago: 6 1/2", Mihaba: 7/8", Sakihaba: 11/16", Kasane: 9/32", Sori: 5/8"  
Mountings:  The saya has an interesting lacquer design but there is some chipping and the kirikata is missing. The tsuka is sound but missing ito.  The Fuchikashira are shakudo with silver and gold flowers and are in good condition.  The tsuba is iron with aluminum seppa.  The habaki is copper with carving on both sides and it is quite attractive.
Overall Condition: The blade is solid, there are no fatal flaws.  The hamon is nice but is somewhat hidden by light scratches.  The origami are deeply cut and attractive.  The blade will improve significantly with and good polish and be a nice collector piece.

SwordsElliott Tan