Large 28.4 Inch ShinShinTo Katana
Signature: HachiMan KitaMado HaruKuni Tsukuru, Dated Enpo Go Nen Feb. 1678 (Most Likely Gimei)
Forging Pattern: Mokume with abundant JiNie
Tempering Pattern: Gunome Midare in Nie and Nioi
Dimensions: Blade Length: 28.4 inchesNakago: 8.7 inches 8 mm thick 30 mm wide
Mountings: Shirasaya with saya gaki.
Overall Condition: Excellent. Blade is in good original polish. Harukuni was not a high rated smith (chu saku) and the quality of this sword is beyond that ranking, furthermore it looks to be a shin shin to blade and not a shinto sword. Regardless of thesignature, this is an excellent sword that is very well forged, extremely healthy with excellent hada and a very active hamon. A bargain at this price.