Signed Gunto by Kinmichi in '34 Pattern Shin-gunto mounts

Signature: Kinmichi.
Year Made: A lucky day in Showa 18 (1943) 
Forging Pattern: none
Tempering Pattern: Barely visible suguha hamon, probably etched
Dimensions:  Blade Length:  26.25 inchesNakago: 8.375 inches 7 mm thick and 31 mm wide at Hamachi
Mountings:  1934 shin-gunto mounts of average quality in good condition. Samé and ito are worn but intact. Silver washed copper habaki, matching assembly numbers on seppa and tsuba Saya is dented near the bottom, otherwise in good shape with little paint loss. 
Overall Condition:  Good, sword appears to be a non-traditionally made gunto, the nakago bears a stamp resembling the stamp of the Nagoya arsenal. It appears to have been cleaned but is in good condition with no major rusting, pitting, nicks or bends. All parts appear to be original to the blade. A very collectible example of an early war gunto.

SwordsElliott Tan