Shinto Wakizashi in Kyu-Gunto mounts
Signature: Mumei, possibly O-suriage.
Year Made: Shinto era
Forging Pattern: Hard to tell due to polish, possible a tight itame
Tempering Pattern: Suguha midare in nie.
Dimensions: Blade Length: 22 inchesNakago: 5.5 inches 5 mm thick and 28 mm wide at Hamachi
Mountings: 1886 pattern Kyu-gunto company grade officer mounts with tassel in good shape, Chrome is rusted on saya, D-guard handle in good condition. Family mon in silver on backstrap. Wire and samé in good condition.
Overall Condition: Fair, what appears to be an early Shinto katana cut down to wakizashi size for these mounts. Has a visible hada that is difficult to photograph due to very old polish. Some pitting quite deep on the kissaki on one side. Suguha/midare hamon in nie with strands of ji-nie visible here and there where the polish permits. Quite possibly this is a very active hamon under the pitting and old polish, at least it appears that way where visible. Unfortunately difficult to capture on film. Might be a real diamond under all that, would take a polish to find out.